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self, ‘I wonder what is within this palace and what king dwelleth there and whether its inhabitants are men or Jinn? Who will tell me the truth of the case?’ He sat awhile, considering, but, seeing none go in or out, he rose and committing himself to God the Most High, entered the palace and walked on, till he had counted seven vestibules; but saw no one. Presently he espied, on his right hand, three doors, and before him, a fourth, over which hung a curtain. So he went up to the fourth, door and raising the curtain, found himself in a great saloon, spread with silken carpets. At the upper end stood a golden throne, on which sat a young lady, whose face was like the moon, arrayed in kings’ raiment and adorned as she were a bride on her wedding-night; and before the throne stood a table, whereon were forty trays spread with dishes of gold and silver, full of rich meats.

The prince went up to the lady and saluted her, and she returned his greeting, saying, ‘Art thou of mankind or of the Jinn?’ ‘I am a man of the best of mankind,’ replied he; ‘for I am a king, son of a king.’ Quoth she, ‘What seekest thou? Up and eat of yonder food, and after tell me thy story from first to last and how thou camest hither.’ So he sat down at the table and uncovering a tray of meats, ate (for he was hungry) till he had enough; then washed his hands and going up to the throne, sat down by the young lady who said to him, ‘Who art thou and what is thy name and whence comest thou and who brought thee hither?’ ‘My story is a long one,’ replied he; ‘but do thou first tell me who and what thou art and why thou dwellest in this place alone.’

Quoth she, ‘My name is Dauleh Khatoun and I am the daughter of the King of Hind. My father dwells in the city of Serendib and has a great and goodly garden, there is no goodlier in all the land of Hind; and in this garden is a great tank. One day, I went out into the garden with