Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 7.djvu/148

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emptied for the purpose, and locked it upon him. Moreover, he emptied another chest and laying therein all Hassan’s valuables, together with the ingot of gold [and the price of that which he had sold], locked it.

Then he ran to the market and fetching a porter, took up the two chests and made off with them without the city, where he set them down on the sea-shore, hard by a vessel at anchor there. Now this vessel was freighted by the Persian and her captain was awaiting him; so, when the sailors saw him, they came to him and carried the chests on board. Then the Persian called out to the captain, saying, ‘Up and let us begone, for I have done my errand and compassed my desire.’ So the captain cried out to the crew, saying, ‘Weigh anchor and set sail!’ And the ship put out to sea with a fair wind.

Meanwhile, Hassan’s mother awaited him till nightfall, but heard neither sound nor news of him; so she went to the house and finding it open, entered and saw none therein and missed the chests and valuables; wherefore she knew that her son was lost and that destiny had overtaken him and buffeted her face and tore her clothes, crying out and lamenting and saying, ‘Alas, my son! Alas, the fruit of my entrails!’ And she recited the following verses:

My patience fails me and unrest is sore upon me; yea, Lament and sickness, after you, redouble on me aye.
By God, no fortitude have I to bear the loss of you! How should I patience have, when all my hopes are fled away?
Since he I love is gone, in sleep how should I have delight? Who can take pleasure in a life of misery and dismay?
Thou’rt gone and hast made desolate both house and folk and eke Troubled the limpid streams whereat I did my thirst allay.
Thou wast mine aid in all distress; my glory and my pride Among mankind, in every need my comfort and my stay.
Nor hast thou ever, until now, been absent from my sight, But unto me thou didst return again, ere ended day!