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loathe life but this youth. You know that the Wac Islands are hard of access and that none may come to them but at the peril of his life; and ye know also the strength of their people and their guards. Moreover, I have sworn an oath not to tread their soil nor transgress against them in aught: so how shall this man win to the daughter of the Great King and who can avail to bring him to her or help him in this matter?’

‘O elder of elders,’ replied the others, ‘verily this man is consumed with desire and he hath adventured himself to bring thee thy brother Abdulcuddous’s letter; wherefore it behoves thee to help him.’ And Hassan arose and kissed Abourruweish’s feet and raising his skirt, laid it on his head, weeping and saying, ‘I beseech thee, by Allah, to reunite me with my wife and children, though it cost me my life and soul!’ The four elders all wept for his weeping and said to Abourruweish, ‘Deal kindly with this poor fellow for the sake of thy brother Abdulcuddous and profit by this occasion to earn the reward of [God for] him.’ Quoth he, ‘This unhappy youth knoweth not what he undertaketh; but we will help him after the measure of our power.’ When Hassan heard the sheikh’s words, he rejoiced and kissed the hands of the five elders, one after another, imploring their aid.

Then Abourruweish took inkhorn and paper and wrote a letter, which he sealed and gave to Hassan, together with a leathern pouch, containing perfumes and flint and steel, and said to him, ‘Take care of this pouch, and when thou fallest into any strait, burn a little of the per fumes therein and name me, whereupon I will be with thee presently and deliver thee from thy stress.’ Moreover, he bade one of those present fetch him an Afrit of the Flying Jinn; and he did so forthright; whereupon quoth Abourruweish to the genie, ‘What is thy name?’ ‘Thy slave is [called] Dehnesh ben Fectesh,’ replied the Afrit. And