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With this he gave the wand to the Sheikh Abdulcuddous, who rejoiced therein with an exceeding joy and thanking him, mounted and returned to his own place. Then Hassan took horse with his wife and children and departed from the palace of the princesses, who went forth with him, to bid him farewell. Then they turned back and Hassan fared on, over hill and dale, two months and ten days, till he came to the city of Baghdad, the Abode of Peace, and repairing to his house by the private way that gave upon the open country, knocked at the door.

Now his mother, for long absence, had forsworn repose and given herself to mourning and weeping and lamentation, till she fell sick and ate not, neither took delight in sleep, but shed tears night and day. Her son’s name was never from her mouth, albeit she despaired of his return; and as he stood at the door, he heard her weeping and reciting the following verses:

By Allah, med’cine, O my lords, one sick for love of you, Whose heart is broken and her frame all wasted and unsound!
Yet, of your bounty, if ye would but union her vouchsafe, Sure in her loved ones’ favours, then, her sorrows would be drowned.
She doth not of your sight despair, for God almightly is And in the midmost stress of woe, the prosperous times come round.

When she had made an end of these verses, she heard her son’s voice at the door, calling out and saying, ‘O mother mine, fortune hath been kind and vouchsafeth [us] reunion!’ She knew his voice and went to the door, between belief and doubt; but, when she opened it and saw him standing there and with him his wife and children, she cried out, for excess of joy, and fell to the earth in a swoon. Hassan tended her, till she revived and embraced him, weeping; after which she called his slaves and servants and bade them carry his baggage into the house. So they brought in all the loads, and his wife