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they accosted him and enquired the cause of his change of fortune, and he told them all that had happened to him, from first to last. Then he bought a fine house and laid out much money thereon, till it was perfect in all respects. And he took up his abode therein and was wont to recite the following verses thereon:

Behold a house that’s like the Dwelling of Delight![1] Its aspect heals the sick and banishes despite.
Its sojourn for the great and wise appointed is, And fortune fair therein abideth day and night.

As soon as he was settled in his house, he sought in marriage a handsome girl, daughter of one of the chief men of the city, and went in to her and led a life of all delight and happiness and prosperity. So, when he found himself in this fortunate condition, he offered up thanks to God (blessed and glorified be He!) for the abounding wealth He had bestowed on him and for His continual favours, praising his Lord with the praise of the grateful and chanting the words of the poet:

To Thee the praise, O Thou whose grace doth no remission know, Whose bounties all-embracing are and all things overflow!
To Thee be praise from me! Accept my homage, for indeed, I’m mindfull of Thy bounties all and all to Thee I owe.
Thou hast indeed with benefits and favours and largesse O’erwhelmed me; so I turn to Thee, my gratitude to show.
Out of the ocean of Thy grace and goodness all men drink And Thou doth succour them in time of trouble and of woe.
O Thou that pardonest my sins, Thou, O my Lord, on us Heap’st favours, crowning aye with new those that did them forego,
Still for the sake of him who came, in mercy to mankind, A prophet, noble, true of speech and clean and pure as snow;
God’s blessing and His peace, so long as men his tomb do seek, On him and on his helpers be and lineage, high and low!
And eke on his companions all, th’ illustrious, the wise, The noble, whilst within the brake the bird doth singing go!

  1. Name of one of the seven stages of the Muslim heaven.