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letter and carry it to the jewel-market, where do thou enquire for the shop of Aboulhusn the jeweller and give it to him.’ ‘O my lady,’ answered the fisherman, ‘this name is difficult to me; I cannot remember it.’ And she said, ‘Then ask for the shop of Ibn el Ucab.’[1] ‘O my lady,’ asked he, ‘what is an ucab?’ And she said, ‘It is a bird that folk carry on their fists, with its eyes hooded.’ Quoth he, ‘O my lady, I know it.’

Then he went forth from her and fared on, repeating the name, lest it pass his memory; but, by the time he reached the jewel-market, he had forgotten it. So he accosted one of the merchants and said to him, ‘Is there any here named after a bird?’ ‘Yes,’ answered the merchant; ‘thou meanest Ibn el Ucab.’ Quoth Khelif, ‘That’s the man I want,’ and making his way to him, gave him the letter, which when he read and knew the purport thereof, he fell to kissing it and laying it on his head; for it is said that Aboulhusn was the agent of the Lady Cout el Culoub and her intendant over all her property in lands and houses.

Now she had written to him, saying, ‘From Her Highness the Lady Cout el Culoub to Master Aboulhusn the jeweller. As soon as this letter reacheth thee, set apart for us a saloon completely equipped with furniture and vessels and slaves and slave-girls and what not else is needful and seemly, and take the bearer hereof and carry him to the bath. Then clothe him in costly apparel and do with him thus and thus.’

So he said, ‘I hear and obey,’ and locking up his shop, took the fisherman and carried him to the bath, where he committed him to one of the bathmen, that he might serve him, as of wont. Then he went forth to carry out

  1. i.e. Son of the falcon. The common meaning of ucab is “eagle.” The name should probably be read Abou-l-Ucab, he (lit. father) of the falcon, i.e. he who carries or owns a falcon.