Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 7.djvu/362

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its strings and played upon it, till all present were transported for excess of delight; after which she improvised and sang the following verses:

I wonder, will our time with those we love come back again? Will fate reunion and its sweets, I wonder, aye ordain
To one who yearns for those that dwelt once in the ruined steads? Shall we find peace and will time’s shifts no longer work us bane?
How bitter life is since their loss and ah, how dearly sweet The nights of union, when our loves one dwelling did contain!
Draw near to me, belovéd mine, vouchsafe to me the grace Of meeting; else my life, indeed, is frustrate all and vain.

When the Khalif heard this, he could not contain himself, but rent his clothes and fell down in a swoon; whereupon all who were present hastened to pull off their apparel and throw it over him, whilst Cout el Culoub beckoned to Khelif and said to him, ‘Go to yonder chest and bring what is therein;’ for she had made ready therein a suit of the Khalif’s apparel against the like of this time. So Khelif brought it to her and she threw it over the Commander of the Faithful, who came to himself and knowing her for Cout el Culoub, said, ‘Is this the day of Resurrection and hath God called up those who are in the tombs; or am I asleep and is this an illusion of dreams?’ Quoth Cout el Culoub, ‘We are awake, not asleep, and I am alive, nor have I tasted the cup of death.’

Then she told him all that had befallen her, and indeed, since he lost her, life had not been easy to him nor sleep sweet, and he abode now wondering, now weeping and anon afire for longing. When she had made an end of her story, the Khalif rose and took her by the hand, intending for her palace, after he had kissed her lips and strained her to his bosom; whereupon Khelif rose and said, ‘By Allah, it is good, O Commander of the Faithful! Thou hast already wronged me once, and now thou