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get thee to the land of China; for it is a vast and safe country, wherein are store of rarities and things of price and folk of all kinds [and nations] and thou shalt not come to the knowledge of this city and garden but from its people; it may be one of them will direct thee to that thou seekest.’ Whereupon quoth Seif el Mulouk, ‘O my father, equip me a ship, that I may journey to the land of China.’

‘O my son,’ replied the old king, ‘abide thou on the throne of thy kingship and rule thy subjects, and I myself will make the voyage to China and enquire for thee of the city of Babel and the garden of Irem.’ But Seif rejoined, saying, ‘O my father, this affair concerneth me and none can prosecute the search after it like myself: so, come what will, if thou give me leave to make the voyage, I will depart and travel in foreign countries awhile. If I find tidings of her, my desire will be attained, and if not, belike the voyage will dilate my breast and recruit my spirits; and peradventure by foreign travel my case will be made easy to me, Night dcclxiv and if I live, I shall return to thee whole and sound.’

The old king looked at his son and saw nothing for it but to do what he wished; so he fitted him out forty ships, manned with twenty thousand men, besides servants, and gave him great plenty of treasures and necessaries and warlike gear, as much as he required. When the ships were laden with water and victual and arms and troops, Seif’s father and mother bade him farewell and the former said, ‘Depart, O my son, and travel in health and weal and safety. I commend thee to Him who disappointeth not those that put their trust in Him.’ So the prince embarked, with his brother Saïd, and they weighed anchor and sailed till they came to the City of China.

When the people heard of the coming of forty ships, full of armed men and stores, they doubted not but they