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he, ‘my name is Mesoud, and I steal horses, when folk are asleep.’ She made him no answer, but drawing her sabre forthright, smote him on the nape and the blade came out, gleaming, from the tendons of his throat, whereupon he fell to the ground, weltering in his blood, and God hurried his soul to the fire and ill is the abiding-place [to which he went].

Then she took the other horse by the bridle and retraced her steps in search of Noureddin, whom she found lying, asleep and snoring, in the place where she had appointed him to meet her, with the halters in his hand and knowing not his hands from his feet. So she dismounted and gave him a cuff, whereupon he awoke in affright and said to her, ‘O my lady, praised be God for thy safe coming!’ ‘Rise,’ answered she, ‘and mount this steed and speak not.’ So he rose and mounted one of the horses, whilst she bestrode the other, and they went forth the city and rode on awhile in silence. Then said she to him, ‘Did I not bid thee beware of sleeping? Verily, he prospers not who sleeps.’ ‘O my lady,’ answered he, ‘I slept not but because of the solacement of my heart by reason of thy promise. But what hath happened, O my lady?’ So she told him her adventure with the black, and he said, ‘Praised be God for safety!’

Then they fared on at full speed, committing their affair to the Subtle, the All-wise and conversing as they went, till they came to the place where the black lay prostrate in the dust, as he were an Afrit, and Meryem said to Noureddin, ‘Dismount; strip him of his clothes and take his arms.’ ‘By Allah, O my lady,’ answered he, ‘I dare not dismount nor approach him.’ And indeed he marvelled at the black’s stature and at the valour and stout-heartedness of the princess and praised her for her deed. They fared on lustily all that night and halted not till the day broke and the sun shone out upon the hills