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the cause of this, more by token that the most part thereof are of those in attendance on thee.”

Thereupon the hawk waxed wroth with them and said to them, “Verily it is ye who have slain them, and ye forestall me [with accusation].” So saying, he pounced upon them and tearing half a score of their chiefs [in pieces] before the rest, threatened them and drove them out from before him with blows and buffets. So they repented them of that which they had done and said, “We have known no good since the death of our first king, especially in the deed of this stranger in kind; but we deserve [all we suffer], even had he destroyed us to the last of us, and there is exemplified in us the saying of Him who saith, ‘He who submitteth not himself to the rule of his own people, the enemy hath dominion over him, of his ignorance.’ And now there is nothing for it but to flee for our lives, else shall we perish.” So they took flight and dispersed to various places.

And we, O king,’ continued the vizier, ‘we feared lest the like of this befall us and a king become ruler over us, other than thyself; but God hath vouchsafed us this boon and hath sent us this blessed child, and now we are assured of peace and union and security and prosperity in the land. So blessed be God the Great and to Him be thanks and praise and fair honour! And may He bless the king and us all his subjects and vouchsafe unto us and him the utmost felicity and make his life happy and his fortune constant!’

Then arose the sixth vizier and said, ‘God grant thee all felicity, O king, in this world and the next! Verily, the ancients say, “He who prayeth and fasteth and giveth parents their due and is just in his rule meeteth his Lord and He is well pleased with him.” Thou hast been set over us and hast ruled us justly and thine endeavour in this hath been blessed; wherefore we beseech God the