Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 8.djvu/255

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him with the coming of death and his severance from that which he presently enjoyeth of delight and pleasance, he would cast away the world and that which is therein; for we are assured that the next life is better for us and more profitable.’ ‘O sage,’ said the prince, ‘thou hast with thy shining lamp dispelled the darkness that was upon my heart and hast directed me into the road I must travel in the ensuing of the truth and hast given me a lantern whereby I may see.’

Then rose one of the learned men who were present and said, ‘When the season of Spring cometh, needs must the hare seek the pasture as well as the elephant; and indeed I have heard from you both such questions and solutions as I never before heard; but now let me ask you of somewhat. What is the best of the goods of the world?’ ‘Health of body,’ replied the prince, ‘lawful provision and a virtuous son.’ (Q.) ‘What is the greater and what the less?’ (A.) ‘The greater is that to which a lesser than itself submitteth and the less that which submitteth to a greater than itself.’ (Q.) ‘What are the four things in which all creatures concur?’ (A.) ‘Meat and drink, the delight of sleep, the lust of women and the agonies of death.’ (Q.) ‘What are the three things whose foulness none can do away?’ (A.) ‘Folly, meanness of nature and lying.’ (Q.) ‘What is the best kind of lie, though all kinds are foul?’ (A.) ‘That which averteth harm from its utterer and bringeth profit.’ (Q.) ‘What kind of truthfulness is foul, though all kinds are fair?’ (A.) ‘That of a man glorying in that which he hath[1] and boasting himself thereof.’ (Q.) ‘What is the foulest of foulnesses?’ (A.) ‘When a man boasteth himself of that which he hath not.’[2] (Q.) ‘Who is the most foolish of men?’ (A.) ‘He who hath no thought but of what he shall put in his belly.’

  1. Or what is in him.
  2. Or what is not in him.