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his son.’ Whereupon the king bowed his head, whilst the tears ran from his eyes, and he craved pardon of God.

Then said he, ‘O boy, indeed I did this of my ignorance and by the evil counsel of the women and of the greatness of their malice; but I beseech thee to forgive me and I will set thee in thy father’s stead and make thy rank higher than his. Moreover, if thou do away this retribution from us, I will encircle thy neck with a collar of gold and mount thee on the goodliest of steeds and bid the crier make proclamation before thee, saying, “This is the glorious boy, he who sitteth in the second seat after the king!” As for the women, I have it in mind to do vengeance on them at such time as God the Most High shall will it. But tell me now what thou hast with thee of counsel and contrivance, that my heart may be at ease.’ Quoth the boy, ‘Swear to me that thou wilt not gainsay me in that which I shall say to thee and that I shall be in safety from that which I fear.’ And the king answered, ‘This is the covenant of God between thee and me, that I will not go from thy word and that thou shalt be my chief counsellor and whatsoever thou biddest me, that will I do; and God the Most High is witness betwixt us of what I say.’

Therewith the boy’s breast dilated and the field of speech was opened to him wide and he said, ‘O king, my counsel to thee is that thou wait till the expiration of the delay appointed by thee for returning an answer to the courier of the King of Hind; and when he cometh to thee, seeking the answer, do thou put him off to another day. With this he will excuse himself to thee, on the score of his master having appointed him certain fixed days, and press thee for an answer; but do thou rebut him and put him off to another day, without specifying it. Then will he go forth from thee, angry, and betake himself into the midst of the city and speak openly among