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mendation,’ answered Abousir; ‘for He who inclineth [men’s hearts unto love] is [ever]-present; and indeed the king and all his court love me [already] and have given me this and that.’ And he told him the whole story and said to him, ‘Put off thy clothes behind the chest and enter the bath, and I will go in with thee and shampoo thee.’ So he put off his clothes and Abousir, entering the bath with him, soaped him and shampooed him and busied himself with his service till he came forth, when he brought him the morning meal and sherbets, whilst all the folk marvelled at the honour he did him.

Then Aboukir would have given him somewhat; but he swore that he would take nothing from him and said to him, ‘Shame upon thee! Thou art my comrade, and there is no difference between us.’ ‘By Allah, O my comrade,’ said Aboukir, ‘this is a fine bath of thine, but there lacks one thing to thy fashion therein.’ ‘And what is that?’ asked Abousir. ‘It is the depilatory, to wit, the paste compounded of orpiment and quicklime,’ answered the dyer, ‘that removes the hair with ease. Do thou prepare it and next time the king comes, present it to him, teaching him how he shall cause the hair fall off by means thereof, and he will love thee with an exceeding love and honour thee.’ Quoth Abousir, ‘Thou sayst sooth, and if it be the will of God the Most High, I will do this.’

Then Aboukir mounted his mule and riding to the palace, went in to the king and said to him, ‘O king of the age, I have a warning to give thee.’ ‘And what is thy warning?’ asked the king. Quoth Aboukir, ‘I hear that thou hast built a bath.’ ‘Yes,’ answered the king; ‘there came to me a stranger and I founded the bath for him, even as I founded the dyery for thee; and indeed it is a magnificent bath and an ornament to my city.’ And he went on to set forth to him the virtues of the bath. ‘Hast thou entered therein?’ asked the dyer. And the king