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palace, boiling with rage, whilst none knew the cause of his anger; for, of the excess of his wrath, he had acquainted no one therewith and none dared ask him. Then he repaired to the audience-chamber and causing Abousir to be brought before him, with his hands bound behind his back, sent for his sea-captain and said to him, ‘Take this villain and tie him in a sack with two quintals of quicklime. Then lay him in a boat and row out with him in front of my palace, where thou wilt see me sitting at the lattice. Do thou say to me, “Shall I cast him in?” and if I answer, “Cast,” throw him into the sea, so the lime may be slaked on him, to the intent that he shall die drowned and burnt.’

‘I hear and obey,’ answered the captain and taking Abousir, carried him to an island, that lay over against the king’s palace, where he said to him, ‘Harkye, I once visited thy bath and thou entreatedst me with honour and accomplishedst all my wants and I had great pleasure of thee: moreover, thou sworest that thou wouldst take no pay of me, and I love thee with a great love. So tell me how the case stands between thee and the king and what abomination thou hast done with him that he is wroth with thee and hath commanded me that thou shouldst die this horrid death.’ ‘By Allah, O my brother,’ answered Abousir, ‘I have done nothing, nor do I know of any Night dccccxxxviii.crime I have committed against him that merits this!’ ‘Verily,’ rejoined the captain, ‘thou wast in high favour with the king, such as none ever enjoyed before thee, and all who are prosperous are envied. Belike some one envied thee thy good fortune and missaid of thee to the king, by reason whereof he is become thus enraged against thee: but be of good cheer; no harm shall befall thee: for, even as thou entreatedst me generously, without knowledge of me, so now I will deliver thee. But, if I