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The Khalif Haroun er Reshid was one day examining the tributes of the various provinces of his empire, when he observed that the tributes of all the countries and regions had come into the treasury, except that of Bassora, which had not arrived that year. So he held a Divan because of this and sending for the Vizier Jaafer, said to him, ‘The tributes of all the provinces have come into the treasury, save that of Bassora, no part whereof hath arrived.’ ‘O Commander of the Faithful,’ answered Jaafer, ‘belike there hath befallen the governor of Bassora somewhat that hath diverted him from sending the tribute.’ Quoth the Khalif, ‘The time of the coming of the tribute was twenty days [ago]; what, then, can be his excuse for that, in this time, he hath neither sent it nor sent to show cause for not doing so?’ ‘O Commander of the Faithful,’ replied Jaafer, ‘if it please thee, we will send him a messenger.’ ‘Send him Abou Ishac el Mausili,[1] the boon-companion,’ rejoined the Khalif, and Jaafer said, ‘Hearkening and obedience to God and to thee, O Commander of the Faithful!’

Then he returned to his house and summoning Abou Ishac, wrote him a royal letter and said to him, ‘Go to Abdallah ben Fazil, Viceroy of Bassora, and see what hath diverted him from sending the tribute. If it be ready, do thou receive it from him in full and bring it to me in haste, for the Khalif hath examined the tributes of the provinces and finds that they are all come in, except that of Bassora: but if thou find it not ready and he make an excuse to thee, bring him back with thee, that he may with his own tongue acquaint the Khalif with his excuse.’

  1. i.e. Ibrahim of Mosul, the celebrated musician. See antè, passim.