- Barber’s Fifth Brother, Story of the, i. 303.
- Barber’s Sixth Brother, Story of the, i. 311.
- Barber, Aboukir the Dyer and Abousir the, viii. 297.
- Barber-Surgeon, Ibrahim ben el Mehdi and the, iii. 324.
- Barmecide, Jaafer the, and the old Bedouin, iv. 238.
- Bassora (the man of) and his slave-girl, Abdallah ben Maamer with iv. 210.
- Bassora, El Asmaï and the three girls of, vi. 201.
- Bassora (Hassan of) and the King’s daughter of the Jinn, vii. 121.
- Bassora, The Lovers of, vi. 220.
- Bath, Haroun er Reshid and Zubeideh in the, iv. 216.
- Bathkeeper’s Wife, The Vizier’s Son and the, v. 283.
- Beanseller, Jaafer the Barmecide and the, iv. 8.
- Bear, Werdan the Butcher’s adventure with the Lady and the, iv. 137.
- Beasts and the Son of Adam, The Birds and, iii. 1.
- Bediya el Jemal, Seif el Mulouk and, vii. 55.
- Bedouin, Jaafer the Barmecide and the old, iv. 238.
- Bedouin, Omar ben Khettab and the young, iv. 239.
- Bedouin and his wife, The, vi. 215.
- Bedr Basim of Persia, Julnar of the Sea and her son King, vii. 1.
- Bedreddin Hassan, Noureddin Ali of Cairo and his son, i. 173.
- Behram, Prince of Persia, and the Princess Ed Detma, v. 318.
- Bekhit, Story of the Eunuch, i. 367.
- Beloukiya, The Adventures of, v. 57.
- Belvedere, The House with the, v. 323.
- Benou Tai, The Lovers of the, iv. 273.
- Benou Udhreh, The Lovers of the, iv. 211; vi. 208.
- Birds and Beasts and the Son of Adam, The, iii. 1.
- Birds, The Falcon and the, iii. 41.
- Birds (the Speech of), The page who feigned to know, v. 303.
- Black Slave, The pious, v. 16.
- Blacksmith who could handle fire without hurt, The, v. 25.
- Blind Man and the Cripple, The, viii. 222.
- Boulac Police, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 118.
- Boys, Abou Nuwas and the Three, iv. 205.