- Khelif the Fisherman of Baghdad (Breslau Version), vii. 307.
- Khelifeh the Fisherman of Baghdad, vii. 265.
- Khorassan, Abou Hassan ez Ziyadi and the man from, iv. 129.
- Khorassan, Aboulhusn of, ix. 47.
- Khusrau and Shirin and the Fisherman, iv. 230.
- Khuzeimeh ben Bishr and Ikrimeh el Feyyaz, vi. 189.
- King of the Island, The, v. 44.
- King and the Pilgrim Prince, The Unjust, viii. 204.
- King and the virtuous wife, The, iv. 260.
- King and his Vizier’s Wife, The, v. 263.
- King’s Daughter and the Ape, The, iv. 141.
- King’s Son and the Afrit’s Mistress, The, v. 333.
- King’s Son and the Merchant’s wife, The, v. 301.
- King’s Son and the Ogress, The, i. 43; v. 272.
- Kings, The two, viii. 220.
- Kisra Anoushirwan and the Village damsel, iv. 227.
- Kurd Sharper, Ali the Persian and the, iii. 367.
- Lady of Baghdad, The Scavenger and the noble, iii. 345.
- Lady’s Story, The Eldest, i. 143.
- Lady and her five suitors, The, v. 306.
- Lady and her two Lovers, The, v. 270.
- Ladies of Baghdad, the Porter and the Three, i. 69.
- Laughed again, The man who never, v. 293.
- Lazy, Abou Mohammed the, iv. 10.
- Lebtait, The City of, iii. 320.
- Leper, Aboulhusn ed Durraj and Abou Jaafer the, v. 49.
- Loaves of Bread, The Niggard and the, v. 269.
- Lover, The Mad, iv. 274.
- Lover who feigned himself a thief to save his mistress’s honour, The, iv. 4.
- Lover’s trick against the chaste wife, The, v. 267.
- Lovers of Bassora, The, vi. 220.
- Lovers of the Benou Tai, The, iv. 273.
- Lovers of the Benou Udhreh, The, iv. 211; vi. 208.
- Lovers, The Lady and her two, v. 270.