Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/362

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by the contrivance of their mother Kheizuran; but this latter crime may be said to have been committed in self-defence and therefore to some extent excusable, as El Hadi had resolved upon the assassination of Haroun, to remove him from his son’s path. Another of the earliest acts by which he signalized his accession was to procure the poisoning of the Alide Edris ben Abdallah, who, after the failure of his kinsman Hussein ben Ali’s attempt to seize the Khalifate at Medina and the death of the latter at the battle of Fakh (A.D. 786), fled to North-western Africa and there founded the Edriside kingdom of Mughreb or Morocco; and not content with the success of his murderous plot, he caused put to death an Egyptian postmaster, Wezih by name, who had sheltered the fugitive and furthered his escape to Morocco, rewarding the poisoner, Shemmekh, with the latter’s post. The Alide Mousa ben Jaafer, one of the most venerated elders of the Shiah sect, he cast into prison and caused to be secretly murdered, because, on a certain occasion, when both were visiting the Prophet’s tomb at Medina, after Er Reshid had greeted Mohammed with “Peace be on thee, O cousin!”[1] Mousa followed suit with “Peace be on thee, O father!” as was indeed his right,[2] and his treatment of Yehya ben Abdallah, another descendant of Ali, was yet more dastardly and barbarous. Yehya, who was the uncle of Hussein ben

  1. Mohammed was the nephew of Abbas, the founder of the family of that name, and Haroun was therefore his cousin, many times removed.
  2. As a lineal descendant of Ali and Fatimeh, the Prophet’s daughter, he was the son, i.e. grandson, many times removed, of Mohammed.