Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night - Volume 5.djvu/95

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had thy will.”  At this his tears streamed down even as the clouds rail rain, and he repeated this verse,

    “She drew near whenas death was departing us, *          And deigned union grant when ‘twas useless all.”

Then he groaned one groan and died.  So she fell on him, kissing him and weeping and ceased not weeping until she swooned away; and when she came to herself, she charged her people to bury her in his grave and with streaming eyes recited these two couplets,

    “We lived on earth a life of fair content; *          And tribe and house and home of us were proud;     But Time in whirling flight departed us, *          To join us now in womb of earth and shroud. [FN#100]”

Then she fell again to weeping, nor gave over shedding tears and lamenting till she fainted away; and she lay three days, senseless.  Then she died and was buried in his grave.  This is one of the strange chances of love. [FN#101]  And I have heard related a tale of the


It is said that Badr al-Din, Wazir of Al-Yaman, had a young brother of singular beauty and kept strait watch over him; so he applied himself to seek a tutor for him and, coming upon a Shaykh of dignified and reverend aspect, chaste and religious, lodged him in a house next his own.  This lasted a long time, and he used to come daily from his dwelling to that of Sáhib [FN#102] Badr al-Din and teach the young brother.  After a while, the old man’s heart was taken with love for the youth, and longing grew upon him and his vitals were troubled, till one day, he bemoaned his case to the boy, who said, “What can I do, seeing that I