Page:The Books of Chronicles (1916).djvu/225

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11Then David gave to Solomon his son the pattern of the porch of the temple, and of the houses thereof, and of the treasuries thereof, and of the upper rooms thereof, and of the inner chambers thereof, and of the [1]place of the mercy-seat: 12and the pattern of all that he had [2]by the spirit, for the courts of the house of the LORD, and for all the chambers round about, for the treasuries of the house of God, and for the treasuries of the dedicated things: 13also for the courses of the priests and the Levites, and for all the work of the service of the house of the LORD, and for all the vessels of service in the house of the LORD: 14of gold by weight for the vessels of gold, for all vessels of every kind

11. the pattern] Cp. ver. 12; Ex. xxv. 9. The Temple, like the tabernacle, was to be constructed according to a pattern or model communicated by inspiration (see ver. 19). A verbal description rather than a drawing is meant.

the porch] Cp. 2 Chr. iii. 4; 1 Kin. vi. 3.

the houses thereof] Cp. 2 Chr. xxxiv. 11. "Thereof" of course refers to the Temple as a whole, and by "houses" we must understand the various portions of the building.

the treasuries] A different Hebrew word from that used in ver. 12. The inner treasuries mentioned here were for treasure; the outer treasuries (ver. 12) were perhaps rather store-chambers.

upper rooms] Cp. 2 Chr. iii. 9; and 1 Kin. vi. 6 (where however the Heb. word is different).

the place of the mercy-seat] The Holy of Holies.

12. that he had by the spirit] i.e. that had come to him by revelation and rested with him waiting for realisation. Mg., that he had in his spirit (i.e. in his mind) is a less likely translation.

for the courts] The last verse dealt with the Temple itself; this one with the courts and detached buildings.

chambers] Cp. ix. 26, note.

the treasuries] The same Hebrew word as in xxvi. 20; Neh. xiii. 12, 15. See note on ver. 11.

dedicated things] xxvi. 26—28; 2 Chr. xv. 18.

13. also for the courses] The verse is best taken in adjectival connection with the phrase the chambers round about in the preceding verse: these were used for the treasuries . . ., and "also for the courses," etc. It is possible, however, to take it in the sense "he gave the pattern also for the courses," etc.; i.e. the scheme of rotation set forth in previous chapters.

of the priests and the Levites] Cp. xxiv. 1—31.

14. of gold by weight] sc. he gave the pattern or account of gold, etc.

  1. Heb. house.
  2. Or, in his spirit