Page:The Books of Chronicles (1916).djvu/412

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and bound him in fetters, to carry him to Babylon. 7Nebuchadnezzar also carried of the vessels of the house of the LORD to Babylon, and put them in his [1]temple at Babylon. 8Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim, and his abominations which he did, and that which was found [2]in him, behold, they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah: and [3]Jehoiachin his son reigned in his stead.
9Jehoiachin was [4]eight years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem:

later, the main Chaldean army under Nebuchadrezzar having arrived, Jerusalem was taken, and Jehoiakim's son and successor Jehoiachin was carried off with the golden vessels of the house of the Lord to Babylon. The Chronicler seems to foreshorten the history at this point.

7. of the vessels] There is no mention in 2 Kin. of the removal of sacred vessels during Jehoiakim's reign. Some were carried off under Jehoiachin, the rest under Zedekiah; 2 Kin. xxiv. 13, xxv. 13—17. Cp. last note.

in his temple] So LXX.; 1 Esd. i. 39 [41]; Dan. i. 2. Note the mg., "in his palace." The Heb. word (heykāl) is a loan-word; the original (ikallu) is the ordinary word in Assyrio-Babylonian for "palace."

8. that which was found in him] i.e. his sin (in this context); cp. 1 Kin. xiv. 13.

of Israel and Judah] The LXX. (but not 1 Esdras) adds here "And Jehoiakim slept with his fathers, and was buried in the garden of Uzza with his fathers."

9, 10 (= 1 Esd. i. 43—45; cp. 2 Kin. xxiv. 8—17). The Reign of Jehoiachin.

The account given in 2 Kin. contains much that is not given in Chron. and, in particular, many details of the first captivity of Judah.

9. Jehoiachin] Called "Jeconiah," 1 Chr. iii. 16, where see note.

eight years] So LXX. (B) of Chron. and Esd. (B); but the number is probably corrupt for eighteen, so LXX. (A) of Chron. and Esd. (A) and Heb. and LXX. of 2 Kin. xxiv. 8. It is possible that the words "and ten days" in the latter part of the verse are a misplaced fragment of an original ben shĕmōneh 'esreh shānāh, i.e. "eighteen years old."

in Jerusalem] The Chronicler here omits the king's mother's name (cp. ver. 2, note), though she was a person of some influence; cp. 2 Kin. xxiv. 12; Jer. xxii. 24—26; and perhaps ibid. xiii. 18 (R.V.).

  1. Or, palace
  2. Or, against
  3. In 1 Chr. iii. 16, Jeconiah. In Jer. xxii. 24, Coniah.
  4. In 2 Kings xxiv. 8, eighteen.