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AIKEN, Conrad: Author "Scepticisms,"; b. 1889, Savannah, Ga. m. Educ.: Harvard (1912). Travelled extensively, living at different times in London, Rome and Windermere.

ALARCON, Pedro A. de: Author "The Three-Cornered Hat"; b. 10 March, 1833, at Guadix, Prov. of Granada, Spain, m. Doña Paulina Contrera de Reyes, 1866. Educ.: Guadix Seminary. Had a varied career as writer, soldier and politician. Died at Madrid, 19 July, 1891.

ANTONELLI, Etienne: Author "Bolshevik Russia"; b. France, 1879. When the war broke out was professor of political economy at the University of Poitiers. Wounded and decorated with Croix de Guerre, May, 1915. Sent to Russia on his recovery as military attaché at French Embassy.

BAROJA, Pío: Author "Youth and Egolatry"; b. San Sebastian, 28 Dec. 1872. Educ.: San Sebastian schools; Institute of Pamplona; studied medicine at Valencia; graduated as M. D. from University of Madrid, 1893. Practised medicine at Cestona for two years. Went to Madrid where he ran a bakery for six years. Since then he has been writing and publishing regularly.

BEERBOHM, Max: Author "Seven Men"; b. London, 24 Aug. 1872. m. Florence Kahn, of Memphis, Tennessee. Educ.: Charterhouse; Merton Coll. Oxford. Member of Academic Committee. Since 1901 there have been six exhibitions of his drawings. Lives in Italy.

BODENHEIM, Maxwell: Author "Advice"; b. Natchez, Miss., 1892. Educ.: Memphis, Tenn. Schools. Served three years in U. S. Regular Army, and studied law and art for a time in Chicago. Wrote verse for six years before having any accepted by the magazines.

BORDEN, Mary: Author "The Romantic Woman"; b. Chicago, Ill. m. 1st., Captain Turner of the British Army; 2nd., General Edward Lewis Spiers of the British Army, March, 1918. During the war she equipped at her own expense the first mobile field hospital of the French Army, for which she was decorated with the Legion of Honor. Resides in Paris.

BRAGDON, Claude Fayette: Author "Architecture and Democracy"; b. Oberlin, O., Aug. 1,