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granted rank of Captain, Feb. 1918.

GIBRAN, Kahlil: Author "The Forerunner"; b. 1883 Mt. Lebanon, Syria. Educ.: Beyrout College, Al-Ki-Hikmat. Studied art in Paris. Exhibition of paintings at Paris Salon, New York, Boston. Has had ten volumes prose and poetry in Arabic published in last ten years; several of them translated into Spanish, French, German, English. Now living in New York.

GRANT WATSON, E. L.: Author "Deliverance"; b. Steynes, N. London, 1885. m. Katharane Hannay, 1919. Educ. Bedales School, Trinity College, Cambridge. 1st Class Nat. Science tripos 1906. Ethnological Expedition N. W. Australia 1910-12.

HERBERT, A. P.: Author "The Secret Battle"; Educ.: Winchester and New College, Oxford. Enlisted in the R. N. V. R. as Ordinary Seaman, Aug. 1914. Commissioned March 1915 and went with Hawke Batt'n., Royal Naval Division to Gallipoli. Invalided home, Aug., same year. Served in France. Wounded and sent home. Served, 1918 on Naval Staff at Admiralty.

HERGESHEIMER, Joseph: Author "San Cristobal de la Habana"; b. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 15, 1880; Educ.: short period at a Quaker school, Philadelphia, and at Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; m. Dorothy Hemphill, of West Chester, Pa., 1907.

HIGHAM, Charles Frederick: Author "Looking Forward"; M. P. b. 1876; Educ.: St. Albans. Assistant Organizer with Mr. Kennedy Jones, M. P., of the Victory War Loan Campaign of 1917; Freeman of the City of London; Member of the Guild of Gold & Silver Wyre Workers. Clubs: Carlton, 1900, National Sporting, Royal Automobile, Aldwych, etc.

HOOKER, Forrestine C.: Author "The Long Dim Trail"; b. Philadelphia. Raised in 10th U. S. Cavalry during frontier service against Indians; m. E. R. Hooker. Staff of Los Angeles Examiner. Secretary of Los Angeles Humane Society for Children. Investigator on District Attorney's Staff. Secretary of Los Angeles Auxiliary of League of American Pen Women.

HOWE, Edgar Watson: Author "The Anthology of Another Town"; b. Treaty, Ind., May 3, 1854; Educ.: Common schools in Missouri. Started to work in printing office at age of 12; m. Clara L. Frank of Falls City, Neb., 1875. Published the Golden Globe at Golden, Colo., at age of 19; editor and proprietor of Atchison Daily Globe, 1877-1911: editor and publisher of E. W. Howe's Monthly since Jan. 1911.

KROPOTKIN, P: Author "Ideals and Realities in Russian Literature"; b. 9 Dec. 1842. Educ.: Corps of Pages, Petrograd 1857-62, Petrograd Univ. 1869-73. Gold medal Russ. Geographic Soc. for journey across Man-