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Paris, Clermont, Heidelberg and New York; m. 1903. Practising analyst in New York. First psychoanalyst in U. S. to deliver lectures on psychoanalysis open to the general public.

TURNER, George Kibbe: Author "Hagar's Hoard"; b. Quincy, Ill., 23 Mar. 1869. Educ.: Williams College, graduating, 1890; m. Julia Hawks Patchen of Bennington, Vt., Oct. 19, 1892. Began newspaper work 1891. Editor and staff writer on McClure's Magazine, 1906-17.

VAN VECHTEN, Carl: Author "The Tiger in the House"; b. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 17 June, 1880; m. Fania Marinoff. Ass't Musical critic New York Times 1906-7, Paris correspondent same 1908-9, Editor program notes Symphony Society, New York 1910-11, Dramatic critic New York Press 1913-14.

VAN WESEP, Hendrikus Boeve: Author "The Control of Ideals"; b. 30 October, 1888. Amsterdam, Holland. Moved as a child to one of the Pioneer Dutch settlements in the Middle West. Educ.: Calvin College Preparatory School, Grand Rapids, Michigan; University of Michigan. Chief study philosophy; grad. 1912. Graduate work at Princeton University; Ph.D. 1917, in ethics and Greek Philosophy. Now employed by the Rockefeller Foundation for research work in philanthropic, public health, and sociological problems; m. Aleida Sophia van Vessem, 1917.

WALEY, Arthur David: Author "More Translations from the Chinese"; b. Tunbridge Wells, 1889. Educ.: Rugby and Kings' College, Cambridge. Travelled in France, Germany and Spain. Entered Print Room of the British Museum in 1913. In the same year became assistant of Mr. Laurence Binyon, head of the oriental Section of the Print Room. Lives in Cartwright Gardens, London. Has never been outside Europe, but learnt Chinese and Japanese from native teachers in London.

WALLAS, Graham: Author "The Life of Francis Place"; b. Sunderland, 31 May 1858; m. 1897, Ada Radford; one d. Educ.: Shrewsbury School, 1871-77; Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1877-81; Lecturer at London School of Economics since 1895; University Professor in Political Science, 1914; Lowell Lecturer, 1914.

WILKINSON, Louis Umfreville: Author "Brute Gods"; b. Aldeburgh, Suffolk, England, 17 Dec. 1881; son of late Rev. W. G. Wilkinson, formerly Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. Educ.: Radley; St. John's College, Cambridge; M.A. Cantab; Litt.D., St. John's College, Annapolis; m. 1912, Frances Josefa Gregg; one s. one d.

WILLIAMS, James Mickel: Author "The Foundations of Social Science"; b. Waterville, N. Y., 1876. Educ.: A. B. Brown University 1898; B.D. Union Theolo.