Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/124

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and as soon as butter is melted add rice. Cook three minutes; then add tomatoes, chicken, and enough stock to moisten. Cook five minutes, and season highly with salt and cayenne. If not rich enough, add more butter.

Russian Pilaf

Follow recipe for Turkish Pilaf III, substituting cold cooked lamb in place of chicken, and add a chicken's liver sautéd in butter, then separated into small pieces.

Rissoto Creole

3 tablespoons butter 23/4 cups highly seasoned Brown Stock
1 cup rice
Canned pimentoes

Melt butter in hot frying-pan, add rice, and stir constantly until rice is well browned. Add stock heated to boiling-point, and cook in double boiler until soft. Turn on a serving dish, garnish with pimentoes cut in fancy shapes, and cover with.

Creole Sauce Cook two tablespoons chopped onion, two tablespoons chopped green pepper, one tablespoon chopped red pepper, or canned pimentoes, and four tablespoons chopped fresh mushrooms, with three tablespoons butter, five minutes. Add two tablespoons flour, one cup tomatoes, one truffle thinly sliced, one-fourth cup sherry wine, and salt to taste.

Boiled Macaroni

3/4 cup macaroni broken in inch pieces 2 quarts boiling water
1 tablespoon salt
1/2 cups White Sauce

Cook macaroni in boiling salted water twenty minutes or until soft, drain in strainer, pour over it cold water to prevent pieces from adhering; add cream, reheat, and season with salt.

Macaroni with White Sauce

1/2 cup macaroni broken in inch pieces 2 quarts boiling water
1 tablespoon salt
11/2 cups White Sauce

Cook as for Boiled Macaroni, and reheat in White Sauce. White Sauce. Melt two tablespoons butter, add two table-