Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/138

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Egg Timbales

1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tablespoon flour 1g teaspoon salt 24 cup milk 14 teaspoon pepper 3 eges Few grains celery salt Few grains cayenne

Make a sauce of the butter, flour, and milk; add yolks beaten until thick and lemon-colored, then .add seasonings. Beat whites of eggs until stiff and dry, and cut and fold into first mixture. Turn into buttered moulds, set in pan of hot water, and bake in a slow oven until firm. Serve with Tomato Cream Sauce (see page 271). | Egg Croquettes — 6 eggs Salt 2 tablespoons butter Pepper 1 slice onion Yolks 3 eggs 14 cup flour Stale bread crumbs 1 cup white stock - Grated cheese

Poach eggs and dry on a towel. Cook butter with onion three minutes. Add flour and, gradually, stock. Season with salt and pepper ; then add yolks of eggs slightly beaten. Cook one minute, and cool. Cover eggs with mixture, roll in bread crumbs and cheese, using equal parts, dip in egg, again roll in crumbs, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. These may be served with a thin sauce, using equal parts of white stock and cream, and seasoning with grated cheese, salt, and paprika.

Eggs a la Juliette

Decorate egg-shaped individual moulds with truffles, and cold boiled tongue cut in fancy shapes, and pistachio nuts blanched and split. Line mould with aspic jelly, drop in a poached egg yolk, cover with aspic jelly, let stand until firm, and turn on a thin oval slice of cold boiled tongue. ,

Eggs a la Parisienne

Butter small timbale moulds, sprinkle with finely chopped truffles, parsley, and cooked beets. Break eggs, and slip