Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/402

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lobster Salad I

Remove lobster meat from shell, cut in one-half inch cubes, and marinate with a French Dressing. Mix with a small quantity of Mayonnaise Dressing and arrange in nests of lettuce leaves. Put a spoonful of Mayonnaise on each, and sprinkle with lobster coral rubbed through a fine sieve. Garnish with small lobster claws around outside of dish. . Cream Dressing I or II may be used in place of Mayonnaise Dressing.

Lobster Salad II

Prepare lobster as for Lobster Salad I. Add an equal quantity of celery cut in small pieces, kept one hour in cold or ice water, then drained and dried in a towel. Moisten with any cream or oil dressing. Arrange on a salad dish, pile slightly in centre, cover with dressing, sprinkle with lobster coral forced through a fine sieve, and garnish with a border of curled celery and watercress.

To Curl Celery. Cut thick stalks of celery in two-inch pieces. With a sharp knife, beginning at outside of stalks, make five cuts parallel with each other, extending one-third the length of pieces. Make six cuts at right-angles to cuts already made. Put pieces in cold or ice water and let stand over night or for several hours, when they will curl back and celery will be found very crisp. Both ends of celery may be eurled if one cares to take the trouble.

Lobster Salad II

Remove large claws and split a lobster in two lengthwise by beginning the cut on inside of tail end and cutting through entire length of tail and body. Open lobster, remove tail meat, liver, and coral, and set aside. Discard intestinal vein, stomach, and fat, and wipe inside thoroughly with cloth wrung out of cold water. Body meat and small claws are left on shell. Remove meat from upper parts of large claws and cut off (using scissors or can opener) one-half the shell from lower parts, taking out meat and leaving the parts in suitable sendition to refill. Cut lobster meat in one-half mech eubes