Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/448

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pan:in ice-water, cover bottom with aspic jelly mixture, and when firm garnish with truffles and egg custard thinly ~ sliced and cut in fancy shapes. The smaller the shapes the more elaborate may be the designs. When garnishing with small shapes, pieces are so difficult to handle that they should be taken on the pointed end of a larding-needle, ‘and placed as desired on jelly. Add aspic mixture by spoonfuls, that designs may not be disturbed. When mix- ture is added, and firm to the depth of three-fourths inch, place in the bird, breast down. If sides of mould are to be decorated, dip pieces in jelly and they will cling to pan. Add remaining mixture gradually as in Tomatoes in Aspic. Small birds, chicken, capon, or turkey, may be put in aspic.

Egg Custard for Decorating

Separate yolks from whites of two eggs. Beat yolks slightly, add two tablespoons milk and few grains salt. Strain into a buttered cup, put on a saucepan, surround with boiling water to one-half depth of cup, cover, put on back of range, and steam until custard is firm. Beat whites slightly, add few grains salt, and cook as yolks. Cool, turn from cups, cut in thin slices, then in desired shapes.

Stuffing for Chicken in Aspic

Chop finely breast and meat from second joints of an un- — cooked chicken, or one pound of uncooked lean veal. Add one-half cup cracker crumbs, hot stock to moisten, salt, pepper, celery salt, cayenne, lemon juice, and one egg slightly beaten. In stuffing boned chicken, stuff body, legs, and wings, being careful that too much stuffing is not used, as an allowance must be made for the swelling of cracker crumbs.

Spring Mousse

Chop three-fourths cup cold cooked chicken or veal, and pound in a mortar. Add gradually one-half cup heavy cream, and force mixture through purée strainer. Add