Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/454

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and chicken dice. Season with salt and pepper, turn into individual moulds, and chill. Soak remaining gelatine in cold water, dissolve by standing over hot water, then strain. Beat yolks of eggs slightly and add salt, sugar, mustard, lemon juice, vinegar, and hot cream. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens, add butter and strained gelatine. Add mixture, gradually, to whites of eggs beaten stiff, and when cold, fold in heavy cream beaten until stiff, and celery. Remove chicken from mould, surround with sauce, and gar- nish with celery tips.

Rum Cakes

Shape Brioche dough in the form of large biscuits and put into buttered individual tin moulds, having moulds two-thirds full; cover, and let rise to fill moulds. Bake twenty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Remove from moulds and dip in Rum Sauce. Arrange on a dish and pour remaining sauce around cakes.

Rum Sauce

1 cup sugar 1 cup,boiling water if cup rum or wine Make a syrup by boiling sugar and water five minutes; then add rum or wine.


Shape Brioche dough in sticks similar to Bread Stieks. Place on a buttered sheet, cover, and let rise fifteen min- utes. Brush over with white of one egg slightly beaten and diluted with one-half tablespoon cold water. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake ten minutes. These are delicious served with coffee or chocolate.

Baba Cakes

To one and one-half cups Brioche dough add one-third eup each raisins seeded and cut in pieces, currants, and eitron thinly sliced, previously soaked in Maraschino for one hour. Shape, let rise, and bake same as Rum Cakes. Dip in sauce made same as Rum Sauce, substituting Maras ehino in place of rum.