Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/518

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Junket Ice Cream with Peaches

4 cups lukewarm milk 1 tablespoon cold water 1 cup heavy cream 1 tablespoon vanilla 14 cupssugar- - 3 1 teaspoon almond extract — 1g teaspoon salt | Green Coloring 114g Junket Tablets 1 can peaches

Mix first four ingredients, and add junket tablets dissolved in cold water. Turn into a pudding-dish and let stand until set. Add flavoring and coloring. Freeze, mould, and serve garnished with halves of peaches, filling cavities with halves of blanched almonds. Turn peaches into a saucepan, add one-third cup sugar, and cook slowly until syrup is thick. Cool before garnishing Ice cream.

Violet Ice Cream

i quart cream 14 cup Yvette Cordial 34 cup sugar | 1 small bunch violets Few grains salt Violet coloring

Mix first four ingredients.- Remove stems from violets, and pound violets in a mortar until well macerated, then strain through cheese-cloth. Add extract to first mixture; color, freeze, and mould. Serve garnished with fresh or eandied violets ; the light purple cultivated violets should be used and the result will be most gratifying. Weapolitan or Harlequin Ice Cream Two kinds of ice cream and an ice moulded in a brick.

Baked Alaska

Whites 6 eges 2 quart brick of ice cream 6 tablespoons powdered sugar Thin sheet sponge cake

Make meringue of eggs and sugar as in Meringue I, cover a board with white paper, lay on sponge cake, turn ice cream on cake (which should extend one-half inch beyond cream), cover with meringue, and spread smoothly. Place on oven grate and brown quickly in hot oven. The board, paper, cake, and meringue are poor conductors of