Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/565

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together. Press edges slightly, and bake in a rather hot even, that jumbles may keep in good shape.

Royal Fans

Mix and sift two cups flour and one-half cup brown sugar. Wash three-fourths cup butter and work into first mixture, using tips of fingers. Moll to one-third inch in thickness, shape with a fluted round cutter five inches in diameter. Cut each piece in quarters and crease with the dull edge of a case knife to represent folds of a fan. Brush over with yolk of egg diluted with three-fourths teaspoon water. Bake in a slow oven.

Boston Cookies.

1 cup butter 1g teaspoon salt 116 cups sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 3 eggs 1 cup chopped nut meat, 1 teaspoon soda hickory or English walnut 11¢ tablespoons hot water ¥ cup currants 314 cups flour 4g cup raisins, seeded and | chopped .

Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and eggs well beaten. Add soda dissolved in hot water, and one-half the flour mixed and sifted with salt and cinnamon; then add nut meat, fruit, and remaining flour. Drop by spoonfuls one inch apart on a buttered sheet, and bake in a moderate oven.

Cocoanut Cream Cookies

2 eggs lg cup shredded cocoanut 1 cup sugar 3 cups flour 1 cup thick cream 5 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt

Beat eggs until light, add sugar gradually, cocoanut, cream, and fiour mixed and sifted with baking powder and salt. Chill thoroughly, toss on a floured board, pat, and roll one-half inch thick. Sprinkle with cocoanut, roll one- fourth inch thick, and shape with a small round cutter, first dipped in flour. Bake on a buttered sheet in a ™oder-te oven.