Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/573

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English Rolled Wafers II

To English Rolled Wafers I, add one and one-half cups rolled oats. - Nut Bars 2 tablespoons brown 14 cup flour sugar. ¥ teaspoon salt YY cup butter | 2 tablespoons English alu, 1 cup boiling water meat, finely chopped 13 cup brown sugar Halves of walnuts or almonds

Caramelize two tablespoons sugar, add butter and water, and boil two minutes. Remove from fire, add remaining sugar, flour mixed with salt, and walnut meat. Spread as Rolled Wafers, crease in two-inch squares, and decorate with nut meats. Bake in a slow oven, and remove from pan at once,

Nut Macaroons

White 1 egg | 1 cup pecan nut meats 1 cup brown sugar 14 teaspoon salt

Beat white of egg until stiff and add gradually, while. beating constantly, sugar. Fold in nut meats, finely chopped and sprinkled with salt. Drop from tip of spoon, one inch apart, on a buttered sheet, and bake in a moderate oven un- til delicately browned.


1 cup sugar 3{ teaspoon vanilla 14 cup melted butter 1 cup flour 1 egg, unbeaten : 14 cup walnut meats, cut in 2 squares unsweetened choc- pieces olate, melted

Mix ingredients in order given. Line a seven-inch square pan with parafiine paper. Spread mixture evenly in pan and bake in a slow oven. As soon as taken from oven turn from pan, remove paper, and cut cake in strips, using a sharp knife. If these directions are not followed paper will cling to cake, and it will be ampossible to cut it in skapely pieces.