Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/763

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SILVA PUTZ A perfect Cream Paste Silver Polish. The modern, up-to- date cleaner for GOLD, SIL- VER and CUT GLASS. Economical — Effective — Harmless Absolutely safe to use on finest Gold, Silver, and Pre- cious Stones. T here are many imitations. Do not be im- posed upon by taking inferior brands. Look for the Red Cross designs. They pro- tect you. American Metal Polish Co. MEYERS’ PUTZ CREAM A white liquid metal polish. For cleaning BRASS, COP- PER, NICKEL, ALUMI- NUM, ANDIRONS, and AUTO TRIMMINGS is unsurpassed. A high-grade polish, free from grit and acid. Eco- nomical and gives a quick, lasting polish. There is no other so good.