Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/121

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Steam-cooked and }
  rolled wheats, }
  Old Grist Mill, } 1 cup 1-1/4 cups 20 minutes
  Rye Flakes, }
  Pettijohn's, etc. }

Rice (steamed) 1 cup 2-3/4-3-1/4 cups 45-60 minutes
                                  (according to
                                   age of rice)
Indian meal 1 cup 3-1/2 cups 3 hours
Vitos 1 cup 4-1/2 cups 30 minutes

Wheatlet, }
Wheatena, }
Wheat Germ, } 1 cup 3-3/4 cups 30 minutes
Toasted Wheat, }

Oatmeal (coarse) 1 cup 4 cups 3 hours
Hominy (fine) 1 cup 4 cups 1 hour

Oatmeal Mush with Apples

Core apples, leaving large cavities; pare, and cook until soft in syrup made by boiling sugar and water together, allowing one cup sugar to one and one-half cups water. Fill cavities with oatmeal mush; serve with sugar and cream. The syrup should be saved and re-used. Berries, sliced bananas, or sliced peaches, are acceptably served with any breakfast cereal.

Cereal with Fruit

3/4 cup Wheat Germ
3/4 cup cold water
2 cups boiling water
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 lb. dates, stoned, and cut in pieces

Mix cereal, salt, and cold water; add to boiling water placed on front of range. Boil five minutes, steam in double boiler thirty minutes; stir in dates, and serve with cream. To serve for breakfast, or as a simple dessert.

Fried Mushes

Mush left over from breakfast may be packed in greased, one pound baking-powder box, and covered, which will prevent crust from forming. The next morning remove from box, slice thinly, dip in flour, and sauté. Serve with maple syrup.