Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/127

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lower part. Press edges together and between mixture with tips of thumbs, then cut apart, using pastry jagger. Cook in White Stock ten minutes, take up with skimmer, arrange a layer on hot serving dish, sprinkle generously with grated Parmesan cheese, cover with Tomato Sauce; repeat twice and serve at once.

Tomato Sauce

1/3 cup butter
1 onion, finely chopped
3/4 teaspoon salt
Few grains pepper
1 small can condensed tomato
2/3 lb. lean beef

Cook first four ingredients eight minutes. Add tomato, 1 pint of water, and beef cut in small pieces, and cook one and one-half hours. Remove meat before serving. Ravioli is a national Italian dish, and the cheese and condensed tomato may be best bought of an Italian grocer.