Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/130

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there is a film over the top, and the white is firm, carefully remove with a buttered skimmer to circular pieces of buttered toast, and let each person season his own egg with butter, salt, and pepper. If cooked for an invalid, garnish with four toast-points and a bit of parsley. An egg-poacher may be used instead of muffin rings.

Eggs à la Finnoise

Dropped Eggs, served with Tomato Sauce I.

Poached Eggs à la Reine

Cover circular pieces of toasted bread with sliced fresh mushrooms sautéd in butter and moistened with cream. Poach eggs and arrange on mushrooms. Pour over all white sauce to which grated Parmesan cheese has been added. Sprinkle with grated cheese and put in oven to brown. Garnish with canned pimentoes cut in fancy shapes.

Eggs à la Suisse

4 eggs
1/2 cup cream
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons grated cheese

Heat a small omelet pan, put in butter, and when melted, add cream. Slip in the eggs one at a time, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and a few grains of cayenne. When whites are nearly firm, sprinkle with cheese. Finish cooking, and serve on buttered toast. Strain cream over the toast.

Eggs Susette

Wash and bake six large potatoes, cut slice from top of each, scoop out inside, and mash. To three cups mashed potato add six tablespoons finely chopped ham, two tablespoons finely chopped parsley, whites of two eggs well beaten, three tablespoons butter, four tablespoons cream, and salt and pepper. Line potato shells with mixture, place in each cavity a poached egg, cover with potato mixture, and bake until browned. Care must be taken to have eggs delicately parched.