Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/133

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Scrambled Eggs with Anchovy Toast

Spread thin slices of buttered toast with Anchovy Paste. Arrange on platter, and cover with scrambled eggs.

Eggs à la Buckingham

Make five slices milk toast, and arrange on platter. Use recipe for Scrambled Eggs, having the eggs slightly underdone. Pour eggs over toast, sprinkle with four tablespoons grated mild cheese. Put in oven to melt cheese, and finish cooking eggs.

Eggs à la Turk

Prepare Scrambled Eggs, and pour over six slices of toasted bread. Put one tablespoon tomato purée on each piece, and in the centre of purée one-half tablespoon chickens' livers sautéd in bacon fat.

Eggs à la Livingstone

4 eggs
1/2 cup stewed and strained tomatoes
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons butter
Pàté de foie gras
Finely chopped truffles

Beat eggs slightly, and add tomatoes, salt, and paprika. Melt butter in an omelet pan, add seasoned eggs, and cook same as Scrambled Eggs. Spread slices of toasted bread with pâté de foie gras. Pour over the eggs, and sprinkle with truffles.

Scrambled Eggs, Country Style

Heat omelet pan, put in two tablespoons butter, and when melted turn in four unbeaten eggs. Cook until white is partially set, then stir until cooking is completed, when whites will be thoroughly set. Season with salt and pepper.

Buttered Eggs

Heat omelet pan. Put in one tablespoon butter; when melted, slip in an egg, and cook until the white is firm. Turn it over once while cooking. Add more butter as needed, using just enough to keep egg from sticking.