Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/145

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It cannot be denied that the French excel all nations in the excellence of their cuisine, and to their soups and sauces belong the greatest praise. It would be well to follow their example, and it is the duty of every housekeeper to learn the art of soup making. How may a hearty dinner be better begun than with a thin soup? The hot liquid, taken into an empty stomach, is easily assimilated, acts as a stimulant rather than a nutrient (as is the popular opinion), and prepares the way for the meal which is to follow. The cream soups and purées are so nutritious that, with bread and butter, they furnish a satisfactory meal.

Soups are divided into two great classes: soups with stock; soups without stock.

Soups with stock have, for their basis, beef, veal, mutton, fish, poultry, or game, separately or in combination. They are classified as:—

Bouillon, made from lean beef, delicately seasoned, and usually cleared. Exception,—clam bouillon.

Brown Soup Stock, made from beef (two-thirds lean meat, and remainder bone and fat), highly seasoned with vegetables, spices, and sweet herbs.

White Soup Stock, made from chicken or veal, with delicate seasonings.

Consommé, usually made from two or three kinds of meat (beef, veal, and fowl being employed), highly seasoned with vegetables, spices, and sweet herbs. Always served clear.

Lamb Stock, delicately seasoned, is served as mutton broth.

Soups without stock are classified as:—

Cream Soups, made of vegetables or fish, with milk, and a small amount of cream and seasonings. Always thickened.

Purées, made from vegetables or fish, forced through