Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/152

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rub through sieve, and season highly with salt, pepper, and cayenne. Just before serving add horseradish, vinegar, and macaroni previously cooked and cut in rings.

Julienne Soup

To one quart clear Brown Soup Stock, add one-fourth cup each carrot and turnip, cut in thin strips one and one-half inches long, previously cooked in boiling salted water, and two tablespoons, each, cooked peas and string beans. Heat to boiling-point.

Dinner Soup

3-1/2 lbs. lean beef from round
2 lbs. marrow-bone
2 qts. cold water
1 can tomatoes
1 teaspoon peppercorns
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon lean raw ham, finely chopped
2 tablespoons butter

Carrot } 1/3 cup, each
Turnip }

Onion } cut in small pieces
Celery }

1 sprig parsley
1/2 bay leaf

Wipe meat and cut in inch cubes. Put one-half in kettle with marrow-bone, water, and tomatoes. Brown remaining half in hot frying-pan with some marrow from bone, then turn into kettle. Heat slowly to boiling-point, and cook at temperature just below boiling-point five hours.

Cook ham and vegetables with butter five minutes, then add to soup with peppercorns, salt, parsley, and bay leaf. Cook one and one-half hours, strain, cool quickly, remove fat, and clear.

Bortchock Soup

6 lbs. shin of beef
3 qts. cold water
1 cup carrot cubes
1/2 cup sliced onion
6 cloves
1 allspice berry
2 sprigs parsley
2 stalks celery
1 beet finely cut
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon peppercorns
2 tablespoons butter

Prepare and cook beef same as for Bouillon. Cook vegetables in butter five minutes; then add to soup with remaining seasonings. Cook one and one-half hours, strain, cool quickly, remove fat, and clear. When ready