Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/165

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Consommé aux Pâtes

Consommé, served with noodles, macaroni, spaghetti, or any Italian pastes, first cooked in boiling salted water.

Consommé d'Orleans

Consommé, served with red and white quenelles and French peas.

Consommé with Vegetables

Consommé, served with French string beans, and cooked carrots cut in fancy shapes with French vegetable cutters.

Consommé Princess

Consommé, served with green peas and cooked chicken meat cut in small dice.

Claret Consommé

To one quart Consommé add one and one-half cups claret, which has been cooked with a three-inch piece stick cinnamon ten minutes and one tablespoon sugar. Color red.

Bortchock Consommé

Make same as Consommé, adding one-third cup chopped beets with vegetables; then add one cup finely chopped beets when clearing.


Clam Bouillon

Wash and scrub with a brush one-half peck clams, changing the water several times. Put in kettle with three cups cold water, cover tightly, and steam until shells are well opened. Strain liquor, cool, and clear.

Oyster Stew

1 quart oysters
4 cups scalded milk
1/4 cup butter
1/2 tablespoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper

Clean oysters by placing in a colander and pouring over them three-fourths cup cold water. Carefully pick over