Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/205

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Fish Stuffing II

1 cup cracker crumbs
1/4 cup melted butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
Few drops onion juice
Parsley }
Capers } 1 teaspoon each,
Pickles } finely chopped

Mix ingredients in order given. This makes a dry, crumbly stuffing.

Baked Bluefish

Clean a four-pound bluefish, stuff, sew, and bake as Baked Halibut with Stuffing, omitting to cut gashes on sides, as the fish is rich enough without addition of pork. Baste often with one-third cup butter melted in two-thirds cup boiling water. Serve with Shrimp Sauce.

Breslin Baked Bluefish

Split and bone a bluefish, place on a well-buttered sheet, and cook twenty minutes in a hot oven. Cream one-fourth cup butter, add yolks two eggs, and when well mixed add two tablespoons, each, onion, capers, pickles, and parsley, finely chopped; two tablespoons lemon juice, one tablespoon vinegar, one-half teaspoon salt, and one-third teaspoon paprika. Sprinkle fish with salt, spread with mixture, and continue the baking until fish is done. Remove to serving-dish and garnish with potato balls, cucumber ribbons, lemon cut in fancy shapes, and parsley.

Bluefish à l'Italienne

Clean a four-pound bluefish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and put on buttered fish-sheet in a dripping-pan. Add three tablespoons white wine, three tablespoons mushroom liquor, one-half onion finely chopped, eight mushrooms finely chopped, and enough water to allow sufficient liquor in pan for basting. Bake forty-five minutes in hot oven, basting five times. Serve with Sauce à l'Italienne.

Baked Cod with Oyster Stuffing

Clean a four-pound cod, sprinkle with salt and pepper, brush over with lemon juice, stuff, and sew. Gash, skewer,