Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/228

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  • spoons flour, and pour on gradually the clam liquor; add

one-fourth cup cream and the clams, season with salt and pepper. Refill clam-shells, sprinkle with chopped parsley, and serve on each a square piece of fried bacon.

Clams à la Grand Union

Clean and dry selected clams, dip in batter, fry in deep fat, and drain on brown paper. Serve on small slices of cream toast, seasoned with salt, celery salt, pepper, and cayenne.

Batter. Mix and sift one cup bread flour, one-half teaspoon salt, and a few grains cayenne. Add gradually two-thirds cup milk, and two eggs well beaten.

Fried Scallops

Clean one quart scallops, turn into a saucepan, and cook until they begin to shrivel; drain, and dry between towels. Season with salt and pepper, roll in fine crumbs, dip in egg, again in crumbs, and fry two minutes in deep fat; then drain on brown paper.

Plain Lobster

Remove lobster meat from shell, arrange on platter, and garnish with small claws. If two lobsters are opened, stand tail shells (put together) in centre of platter, and arrange meat around them.

Lobster Cocktail

Allow one-fourth cup lobster meat, cut in pieces, for each cocktail, and season with two tablespoons, each, tomato catsup and Sherry wine, one tablespoon lemon juice, six drops Tabasco Sauce, one-eighth teaspoon finely chopped chives, and salt to taste. Chill thoroughly, and serve in cocktail glasses.

Fried Lobster

Remove lobster meat from shell. Use tail meat, divided in fourths, and large pieces of claw meat. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and lemon juice; dip in crumbs, egg, and again in crumbs; fry in deep fat, drain, and serve with Sauce Tartare.