Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/260

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Turn into an earthen pudding-dish, cover, and cook slowly three and one-half hours. Remove ox tail, strain sauce, and return ox tail and sauce to oven to finish cooking. Add two-thirds cup each carrot and turnip (shaped with a vegetable cutter in pieces one-inch long, and about as large around as macaroni) parboiled in boiled salted water five minutes. As soon as vegetables are soft, add Sherry wine to taste, and more salt and pepper, if needed. The wine may be omitted.


Roast Beef with Gravy

Cut cold roast beef in thin slices, place on a warm platter, and pour over some of the gravy reheated to the boiling-point. If meat is allowed to stand in gravy on the range, it becomes hard and tough.

Roast Beef, Mexican Sauce

Reheat cold roast beef cut in thin slices, in

Mexican Sauce. Cook one onion, finely chopped, in two tablespoons butter five minutes. Add one red pepper, one green pepper, and one clove of garlic, each finely chopped, and two tomatoes peeled and cut in pieces. Cook fifteen minutes, add one teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce, one-fourth teaspoon celery salt, and salt to taste.

Cottage Pie

Cover bottom of a small greased baking-dish with hot mashed potato, add a thick layer of roast beef, chopped or cut in small pieces (seasoned with salt, pepper, and a few drops onion juice) and moistened with some of the gravy; cover with a thin layer of mashed potato, and bake in a hot oven long enough to heat through.

Beefsteak Pie

Cut remnants of cold broiled steak or roast beef in one-inch cubes. Cover with boiling water, add one-half onion, and cook slowly one hour. Remove onion, thicken gravy with flour diluted with cold water, and season with salt and pepper. Add potatoes cut in one-fourth inch slices, which