Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/269

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soft; again drain, put in earthen-ware dish or bean pot, add tomato sauce, cover, and cook until beans have nearly absorbed sauce.

Tomato Sauce. Mix one cup stewed and strained tomatoes, one cup white stock, six canned pimentoes rubbed through a sieve, one onion finely chopped, two cloves garlic finely chopped, one-fourth cup butter, and two teaspoons salt.

Saddle of Mutton

Mutton for a saddle should always be dressed at market. Wipe meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place on rack in dripping-pan, and dredge meat and bottom of pan with flour. Bake in hot oven one and one-fourth hours, basting every fifteen minutes. Serve with Currant Jelly Sauce.

To Carve a Saddle of Mutton, cut thin slices parallel with backbone, then slip the knife under and separate slices from ribs.

Saddle of Mutton, Currant Mint Sauce

Follow directions for Saddle of Mutton, and serve with

Currant Mint Sauce. Separate two-thirds tumbler of currant jelly in pieces, but do not beat it. Add one and one-half tablespoons finely chopped mint leaves and shavings from the rind of one-fourth orange.

Saddle of Lamb à l'Estragnon

Wipe meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place on rack in dripping-pan, and dredge meat and bottom of pan with flour. Bake in hot oven one and one-fourth hours, basting every fifteen minutes. Remove to hot serving dish and pour around

Estragnon Sauce. Brown four tablespoons butter, add four tablespoons flour (which has been previously browned), and pour on gradually, while stirring constantly, two cups bouillon, and one-half cup stock which has infused with one tablespoon tarragon one hour.

Crown of Lamb

Select parts from two loins containing ribs, scrape flesh from bone between ribs, as far as lean meat, and trim off