Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/278

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Minuten Fleisch

1-1/2 lbs. veal cut in thin slices
Salt and pepper
2/3 cup claret wine
1-1/3 cups Brown Stock
Juice 1 lemon
2 sprigs parsley

Pound veal until one-fourth inch thick and cut in pieces for serving. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put in baking-pan, pour over wine, and let stand thirty minutes. Drain, dip in flour, arrange in two buttered pans, and pour over remaining ingredients and wine which was drained from meat. Cover, and cook slowly until meat is tender. Remove to serving dish and pour over sauce remaining in pan.

Loin of Veal à la Jardinière

Wipe four pounds loin of veal, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and dredge with flour. Put one-fourth cup butter in deep stewpan; when melted, add veal and brown entire surface of meat, watching carefully and turning often, that it may not burn. Add one cup hot water, cover closely, and cook slowly two hours, or until meat is tender, adding more water as needed, using in all about three cups. Remove meat, thicken stock remaining in pan with flour diluted with enough cold water to pour easily. Surround the meat with two cups each boiled turnips and carrots, cut in half-inch cubes, and potatoes cut in balls. Serve gravy in a tureen.

Braised Shoulder of Veal

Bone, stuff, and sew in shape five pounds shoulder of veal; then cook same as Braised Beef, adding with vegetables two sprigs thyme and one of marjoram.

English Meat Pie

Knuckle of veal
1 slice onion
1 slice carrot
Bit of bay leaf
Sprig of parsley
12 peppercorns
Blade of mace
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 lb. lean raw ham
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons butter
2 doz. bearded oysters

Remove meat from bones. Cover bones with cold water, add vegetables and seasonings, and heat slowly to boiling-