Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/339

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Asparagus à la Hollandaise

Pour Hollandaise Sauce I over Boiled Asparagus.

Asparagus in Crusts

Remove centres from small rolls, fry shells in deep fat, drain, and fill with Asparagus in White Sauce.


String Beans that are obtainable in winter come from California; natives appear in market the last of June and continue until the last of September. There are two varieties, green (pole cranberry being best flavored) and yellow (butter bean).

Shell Beans, including horticultural and sieva, are sold in the pod or shelled, five quarts in pod making one quart shelled. They are found in market during July and August. Common lima and improved lima shell beans are in season in August and September. Dried lima beans are procurable throughout the year.

String Beans

Remove strings, and snap or cut in one-inch pieces; wash, and cook in boiling water from one to three hours, adding salt last half-hour of cooking. Drain, season with butter and salt.

Shell Beans

Wash, and cook in boiling water from one to one and a half hours, adding salt last half-hour of cooking. Cook in sufficiently small quantity of water, that there may be none left to drain off when beans are cooked. Season with butter and salt.

Cream of Lima Beans

Soak one cup dried beans over night, drain, and cook in boiling salted water until soft; drain, add three-fourths cup cream, and season with butter and salt. Reheat before serving.