Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/349

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leaves, place in bag, and hang in lower part of ice-box to drain. Wire baskets are used for the same purpose. Arrange lettuce for serving in nearly its original shape.

Leeks on Toast

Wash and trim leeks, cook in boiling salted water until soft, and drain. Arrange on pieces of buttered toast and pour over melted butter, seasoned with salt and pepper.


The onion belongs to the same family (Lily) as do shallot, garlic, leek, and chive. Onions are cooked and served as a vegetable. They are wholesome, and contain considerable nutriment, but are objectionable on acccount of the strong odor they impart to the breath, due to volatile substances absorbed by the blood, and by the blood carried to the lungs, where they are set free. The common garden onion is obtainable throughout the year, the new ones appearing in market about the first of June. In large centres Bermuda and Spanish onions are procurable from March 1st to June 1st, and are of delicate flavor.

Shallot, leek, garlic, and chive are principally used to give additional flavor to food. Shallot, garlic, and chive are used, to some extent, in making salads.

Boiled Onions

Put onions in cold water and remove skins while under water. Drain, put in a saucepan, and cover with boiling salted water; boil five minutes, drain, and again cover with boiling salted water. Cook one hour or until soft, but not broken. Drain, add a small quantity of milk, cook five minutes, and season with butter, salt, and pepper.

Onions in Cream

Prepare and cook as Boiled Onions, changing the water twice during boiling; drain, and cover with Cream or Thin White Sauce.

Scalloped Onions

Cut Boiled Onions in quarters. Put in a buttered baking-dish, cover with White Sauce I, sprinkle with buttered