Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/377

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Potato Cakes

Shape cold mashed potato in small cakes, and roll in flour. Butter hot omelet pan, put in cakes, brown one side, turn and brown other side, adding butter as needed to prevent burning; or pack potato in small buttered pan as soon as it comes from table, and set aside until ready for use. Turn from pan, cut in pieces, roll in flour, and cook same as Potato Cakes.

Creamed Potatoes

Reheat two cups cold boiled potatoes, cut in dice, in one and one-fourth cups White Sauce I.

Potatoes au Gratin

Put Creamed Potatoes in buttered baking-dish, cover with buttered crumbs, and bake on centre grate until crumbs are brown.

Delmonico Potatoes

To Potatoes au Gratin add one-third cup grated mild cheese, arranging potatoes and cheese in alternate layers before covering with crumbs.

Potatoes à l'Antlers

Cook potatoes with jackets on, drain, and let stand twenty-four hours. Peel, and cut in small cubes. Put into a saucepan with two tablespoons butter to each two cups potatoes. Sprinkle with salt, and generously with paprika. Add cream to cover, and cook slowly, forty minutes.

Hashed Brown Potatoes

Try out fat salt pork cut in small cubes, remove scraps; there should be about one-third cup of fat. Add two cups cold boiled potatoes finely chopped, one-eighth teaspoon pepper, and salt if needed. Mix potatoes thoroughly with fat; cook three minutes, stirring constantly; let stand to brown underneath. Fold as an omelet and turn on hot platter.