Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/399

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Orange Mint Salad

Remove pulp from four large oranges, by cutting fruit in halves crosswise and using a spoon. Sprinkle with two tablespoons powdered sugar, and add two tablespoons finely chopped mint, and one tablespoon each lemon juice and Sherry wine. Chill thoroughly, serve in glasses, and garnish each with a sprig of mint. Should the oranges be very juicy, pour off a portion of the juice before turning the mixture into glasses.

French Fruit Salad

2 oranges
3 bananas
1/2 lb. Malaga grapes
12 English walnut meats
1 head lettuce
French Dressing

Peel oranges, and remove pulp separately from each section. Peel bananas, and cut in one-fourth inch slices. Remove skins and seeds from grapes. Break walnut meats in pieces. Mix prepared ingredients and arrange on lettuce leaves. Serve with French Dressing.

Hungarian Salad

Mix equal parts shredded fresh pineapple, bananas cut in pieces, and sections of tangerins, and marinate with French dressing. Fill banana skins with mixture, sprinkle generously with paprika, and arrange on lettuce leaves.

Waldorf Salad

Mix equal quantities of finely cut apple and celery, and moisten with Mayonnaise Dressing. Garnish with curled celery and canned pimentoes cut in strips or fancy shapes. An attractive way of serving this salad is to remove tops from red or green apples, scoop out inside pulp, leaving just enough adhering to skin to keep apples in shape. Refill shells thus made with the salad, replace tops, and serve on lettuce leaves.

Malaga Salad

Remove skins and seeds from white grapes; add an equal quantity of English walnut meats, blanched and broken in