Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/409

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Sweetbread and Celery Salad

Mix equal parts of parboiled sweetbreads cut in one-half inch cubes and celery finely cut. Moisten with Cream Dressing, and arrange on lettuce leaves.

Harvard Salad

Make lemon baskets, following directions for Orange Baskets (see p. 429). With a small wooden skewer make an incision in centre of each handle and insert a small sprig of parsley. Fill baskets with equal parts of cold cooked sweetbread and cucumber cut in small cubes, and one-fourth the quantity of finely cut celery, moistened with Cream Dressing II (see p. 324). Pare round red radishes as thinly as possible and finely chop parings. Smooth top of baskets and cover with dressing. Sprinkle top of one-half the baskets with chopped parings, the remaining half with finely chopped parsley. Arrange red and green baskets alternately on serving dish, and garnish with watercress.